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Jason Groff

Software Developer

About Me

Software Developer for SnapIT Solutions specializing in Ruby on Rails and DevOps technologies with a proven track record to deliver containerized applications and microservices that follow standard RESTful practices through Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment based environments. I graduated from Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City, Missouri with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Science and an emphasis on Web Technologies.


Task Tracker App

Task Tracker

This project was a challenging one to work through, but also rewarding to be able to use what I've learned utilizing JavaScript, Express, Jade / Pug, HTML, CSS, as well as MongoDB for the backend resources.

Google Homepage Project

The Odin Project

For this project I was tasked with recreating the Google homepage to the closest resemblance as I could get it using CSS styling.

Day[9] Tribute Page

Tribute Project

Following the FreeCodeCamp Front-End Development track, one of the projects was to create a tribute page and utilize proper CSS styling as well as some Bootstrap properties.

Animated Double Loader

Animated Double Loader

A small side project that I learned how to use the keyframes and animation properties in CSS make an animated double loader.

Slice of the Ocean

Slice of the Ocean

One of the first websites I created when I started learning basic HTML and CSS. Looking into updating it for HTML5 and utilizing CSS 3 properties as well as some Bootstrap functionality.

Royals History Summary

Royals History Summary

A side project I worked on during this Web Development with JavaScript course I took through FEC & University of Central Missouri.

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